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"How Putin chipped his teeth": Stories from the front in Ukraine

Of course, life at the front consists of a lot more than successful recaptures and deadly defeats making the news. Some soldiers told me - on the basis of anonymity - their experiences in short stories and anecdotes. These recollections are not glorious or heroic. They are stories about the actual circumstances of men and [...]

One year after the start of the invasion: life of Ukrainians in the Netherlands

Oekraïense vlag bij een kerk in het Gelderse Velp. Bron:

Friday, February 24, marks one year since Russian President Putin announced the invasion of Ukraine. Due to the intense and sustained bombing and fighting, many Ukrainians have had to flee the country. About 90,000 Ukrainians have fled to the Netherlands. FMS interviewed Yana (29) - who lives with her family in Leusden - and [...]

AIV advice: Cabinet, make clear what is at stake in Ukraine

Photo: solidarity demonstration by Dutch people with Ukraine on Dam Square, February 2022 On 7 July, the House of Representatives asked the Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) to write an urgent opinion on the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Today, 20 October, the AIV issued a number of urgent recommendations. The gist of the advice? The government [...]

Approaching winter opens Europe's gas labyrinth

As winter approaches, European countries are increasingly concerned about where their energy should come from. While Hungary, Serbia and Turkey are negotiating to open Russia's gas tap, other countries are instead relying on their neighbours' reserves. Last week, available [...]

Russian terror: 'October 10 was a terrible day for millions of Ukrainians'

Residents of Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine were woken up by loud explosions on Monday, 10 October. It is the first time since June that the capital has been attacked. FMS spoke to Bogdan Ferens, who was in Kyiv on the morning of the attacks. "10 October was a terrible day for millions of Ukrainians," said [...]

Ukraine action: first tools arrived on site

On Saturday 9 April, the FMS, in cooperation with the Labour Party, organised a large collection drive for our SD platform partners in Ukraine. A success: some 4.5 tonnes of resources have now arrived in Ukraine.

Disturbing reports of discrimination on Polish-Ukrainian border

On Sunday 20 March, a protest will take place in The Hague to draw attention to equal treatment for all those fleeing Ukraine because of the Russian invasion. Several disturbing reports of discrimination at the Ukrainian-Polish border, with segregation taking place between refugees, emerged over the past week.

Support our comrades in Ukraine! Just when the need is so high.

Dear friends,

We have all been affected by the Russian army's horrific invasion of Ukraine. The images pierce our minds. Many have asked me what we can do to help. People have spontaneously offered housing to accommodate refugees when they come to the Netherlands. Many of you have also indicated that you would like to donate money. Of course, you can transfer that to well-known charities such as Stichting Vluchteling and Het Rode Kruis.

Let Me Say This - Bohdan Ferens

Video: Democracy

This February we, together with the Forum of European Progressive Studies, launched the first video of the new project "Let Me Say This". This month's changemaker is Bohdan Ferens!

Produced in cooperation with Makmende Media each video starts with the words "Let Me Say This...".