Kido Koenig new director of Foundation Max van der Stoel

As of November 1st 2022, Kido Koenig is the new director of the Foundation Max van der Stoel. Kido previously worked at Capgemini, where he was a consultant and manager for 10 years in the field of digital transformations, talent development and change management. Before making this move to the private sector, he spent years [...]

Support the FMS for more international solidarity!

Since the invasion of Ukraine, the need for international solidarity has suddenly become incredibly clear. The war has major negative consequences for many other countries. It is precisely now that different policies are needed.

Discussion on labour migration - Labour Party Congress Report

On Saturday 11 June, the Labour Party Congress finally took place again! This year, the huge event could again physically take place. Consequently, the atmosphere was good and the day was well attended. Also special was the vote on further left-wing cooperation with the Green Left, which attracted a lot of attention not only among PvdA members, but also nationally.

Retrospective Interview Russia expert Gijs Kessler

On Monday 23 May, we spoke with Russia expert Gijs Kessler, affiliated with the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. A specialist in the social and economic history of the Soviet Union and Russia, Kessler lived in Moscow between 2002 and 2016. He recently published his book "Russia: country that wants to be different".

Atmosphere report Africa Day 2022

After two years of waiting, Saturday 28 May was finally here. Africa Day could take place again! At 10:00 am, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) opened its doors and, as ever, it was once again full of visitors. Three great rounds of workshops followed! Unlike previous years, there was no single theme last Saturday, but the overarching core value of Africa Day took centre stage: the important role of African voices in social discussions. The result was an extensive and, above all, diverse range of workshops.

FMS on Africa Day!

In a few days, it will be here: Africa Day. Have you already bought your ticket?
Together with our partners, it will be a jam-packed day with sessions on a variety of topics. As FMS, we are also organising two substantive sessions ourselves.

Ukraine action: first tools arrived on site

On Saturday 9 April, the FMS, in cooperation with the Labour Party, organised a large collection drive for our SD platform partners in Ukraine. A success: some 4.5 tonnes of resources have now arrived in Ukraine.

Drought in Horn of Africa remains under the radar

Parts of the Horn of Africa are facing extreme drought. The worsening crisis by the day is not getting much-needed attention because of the war in Ukraine. Dire food shortages are exacerbated by rising grain prices. The drylands lack attention, financial support and a long-term vision with regard to climate adaptation.