Support our comrades in Ukraine! Just when the need is so high.
Dear friends,
We have all been affected by the Russian army's horrific invasion of Ukraine. The images pierce our minds. Many have asked me what we can do to help. People have spontaneously offered housing to accommodate refugees when they come to the Netherlands. Many of you have also indicated that you would like to donate money. Of course, you can transfer that to well-known charities such as Stichting Vluchteling and Het Rode Kruis.
DONBAS - torn between Ukraine and Russia
The People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk emerged in 2014 as unrecognised pro-Russian secession from Ukraine.
Let Me Say This - Bohdan Ferens
Video: Democracy
This February we, together with the Forum of European Progressive Studies, launched the first video of the new project "Let Me Say This". This month's changemaker is Bohdan Ferens!
Produced in cooperation with Makmende Media each video starts with the words "Let Me Say This...".
'Country of the Week' - Ukraine
What exactly does FMS do? Where are you active? Who are your partners? Starting this week, we will answer all these questions and more in our new initiative: 'Country of the Week'. Each week, we will highlight one of the countries in which we operate and highlight what we do there through videos, fun facts and stories from our projects! This week we kick off with Ukraine.
Progressive Women of Eastern Europe want more cooperation
Last weekend, we organised the Progressive Women's Summit of Eastern Europe, together with the UK Labour Party and the Social Democratic Platform in Ukraine. Women from four Eastern European countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Georgia - came together in Kyiv, to share experiences and reflect together on possible solutions to the challenges they face.
Elections in Ukraine: how's it going?
Last Sunday there were parliamentary elections in Ukraine. The results showed an overwhelming success for Servant of the People, the party of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy: for the first time in the history of independent Ukraine, one party managed to get a majority in parliament without the need for a coalition. But then, Zelenskiy is a very popular actor/comedian with sufficient financial resources. How does something like this work with candidates who don't have that? Our partner in Ukraine, the youth movement SD Platform, participated in the elections for the first time this time with one candidate: one of its founders, Bohdan Ferens. Friso Ages travelled to Kyiv to participate in the last days of his campaign and to watch election day. Below is his report.
Political newcomers: wave of change in Eastern Europe?
For years, we have been talking about the rise of nationalism, conservatism and nativism in Europe. Could it be that a countermovement is now emerging there? A number of new leaders in Central and Eastern Europe may be showing a new trend. Want to know more? Read all about it in the piece by our Eastern Europe expert Marina Ohanjanyan!
Elections in Ukraine: All You Need To Know
Ukraine is in the midst of an electoral campaign. Volodymyr Zelenskiy and Petro Poroshenko, who received the biggest number of votes in the first round of presidential elections, are actually close to the finish line. However, the electoral campaign becomes more and more interesting. Candidates focus on show and action, sometimes forgetting about their own programmes and ideas.
What is happening in Ukraine, what is this struggle about and who will win - Vitaliy Tysiachnyi, coordinator of the Social Democratic Platform in Ukraine, explains.
FMS workshops at Labour Party congress in Den Bosch
No better place than the Labour Party Congress on 19 January in Den Bosch - where the list and programme for the European elections were decided - to draw our attention to the EU's neighbours. Foundation Max van der Stoel therefore organised two workshops in Den Bosch on the security situation in Eastern Europe and on EU enlargement towards the Western Balkans. Bert Koenders, Jan Marinus Wiersma and Albanian Ambassador Adia Sakiqi were our guest speakers!
'Do sanctions help resolve the conflict in eastern Ukraine?'
On 18 September, during PAX Peace Week, PAX organised a conference in collaboration with SES (European Studies Study Association) around the question: 'How do we stop the bloodshed in the Donbass?'
Experts from different regions in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans had come together for the event to come up with concrete solutions to the conflict in eastern Ukraine. They presented their findings at the mini-conference in the evening.