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What does the future hold for Armenia?

Last week, the first of a series of trainings took place in Armenia, with the Max van der Stoel Foundation partnering with the SD Platform Armenia. The SD Platform has been doing important work for several years to motivate young people across the country to bring about political change from the bottom up. With its 'Future Factory' programme [...]

'Public speaking and negotiations' training in Armenia

A training for young people on 'public speaking' and 'negotiations' took place on Saturday 21 October in Yeghegnazdor, Armenia. This training is part of a series of five trainings in different Armenian provinces, organised by the SD Platform Armenia with the support of FMS. Engaging a new and [...]

Tough stance against Azerbaijan crucial after ethnic cleansing in Karabakh

Photo: Ilham Aliyev and Charles Michel during a meeting in Brussels (2022) - Wikimedia Commons Less than a week after Azerbaijan's military offensive in the ethnic Armenian region of Nagorno-Karabakh and the subsequent capitulation of the Armenian authorities, Azerbaijani President Aliyev is meeting with his Turkish counterpart Erdogan. On the agenda are talks on [...]

The alarming humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh

Photo: Wikimedia Commons The Nagorno-Karabakh region, which is close to both Armenia and Azerbaijan, has been under severe pressure since the end of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War in 2020. The region became relevant again in December 2022, when Azerbaijan imposed a blockade on the road from Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. Recently, this blockade led to [...]

Last weekend: a 'Training of Trainers' in Armenia

From 19 to 21 May, a "Training of Trainers" took place in Armenia with our partner SD Platform Armenia. Sixteen participants were trained for three days on various skills, so that they can provide training themselves in the future. "Training of Trainers" A training of trainers (ToT) is an important module in the whole FMS methodology to [...]

A review of the "Building a Civic Platform" training with the SD Platform Armenia

From 25 to 27 November, the "Building a Civic Platform" training took place in Armenia with our partner SD Platform Armenia. Amidst an impressive mountainous setting, 15 participants were trained for three days on various political topics and skills. SD Platform Armenia The SD Platform has been doing important work for several years [...]

Armenia and Azerbaijan challenge each other in front of the International Court of Justice

The long standing conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has entered a new stage now that the countries are challenging each other in front of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). On the 16th of September 2021, Armenia started proceedings against Azerbaijan in front of the ICJ alleging a breach of the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). According to a statement of the ICJ, Armenia argues that "For decades, Azerbaijan has subjected Armenians to racial discrimination" and that, "as a result of this State-sponsored policy of Armenian hatred, Armenians have been subjected to systemic discrimination, mass killings, torture and other abuse". Armenia and Azerbaijan are both signatories to the CERD.

'Country of the Week' - Armenia

What exactly does FMS do? Where are you active? Who are your partners? Every week we will answer all these questions and more in our new initiative: 'Country of the Week'. Each time, we will highlight one of the countries in which we operate and highlight what we do there through videos, fun facts and stories from our projects! This week: Armenia!

Progressive Women of Eastern Europe want more cooperation

Last weekend, we organised the Progressive Women's Summit of Eastern Europe, together with the UK Labour Party and the Social Democratic Platform in Ukraine. Women from four Eastern European countries - Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia and Georgia - came together in Kyiv, to share experiences and reflect together on possible solutions to the challenges they face.