CANCELLED: Africa Day 2020

It is with pain in our hearts that we are forced to cancel Africa Day 2020 altogether. The announcement on 12 March to move Africa Day from 4 April to 27 June appears to have been too optimistic.

The situation in the Netherlands and around the world has worsened so much that it is impossible to keep this new date. It is now clear that all events in the Netherlands will be cancelled until 1 June. Much uncertainty remains for now about the possibilities for larger events later that month. Because of this uncertainty, and with the fact that planning and organising this event requires colleagues and partners to come together, we are forced to cancel the Africa Day on 27 June as well.

Political cafés in autumn
Unfortunately, this means that there will be no Africa Day in 2020. However, the FMS does hope to organise small-scale political cafes on Africa Day-related topics in the autumn. Stay informed about our activities? You can do so via our website or by signing up for our newsletter.

Visitors with tickets
All visitors with a ticket for Africa Day and/or AFREAK on 4 April have now received a refund from us. Have you not yet received this or do you have additional questions about this? Then please mail to or call 070 550 05 67.

For now, we wish everyone all the best and good health. Of course, we also hope to see everyone again in April 2021, at a brand new Africa Day in hopefully less exciting times. See you then!