This Thursday: The launch of "Climate Justice: African Perspectives & EU Policies"

The new UN IPCC report is clear: The consequences of climate change are already here and will only increase if we do nothing. Although African countries are least responsible for causing climate change, they bear the heaviest consequences. This is validated by overwhelming evidence from across the African continent: Prolonged droughts in Southern Africa have serious impacts on critical infrastructures such as water and energy supply, and disrupted rainfall patterns are highly damaging to agriculture, and thus food supply, across the continent.

Although Africa suffers the greatest impacts of climate change, African voices in particular are often absent when climate policies are discussed, written and implemented. The study "Climate Justice: African Perspectives & EU Policies" by FEPS and FMS is a call to all policymakers, and the EU in particular, to include African perspectives in the policy process, so that it is not just about them, but with them.

On Thursday, we will launch and present the research live from Nieuwspoort in The Hague. Together with African experts, European politicians (Jorijs Thijssen, PvdA NL and Maria Arena, S&D) and visitors, we will discuss the main findings and policy recommendations.* The presentation starts at 16:00 and can be attended online. You can register for this via the FMS calendar registration.

Support our call for climate justice policies where African voices are heard and the strongest shoulders bear the heaviest burden!


*Because of the international nature, the entire presentation will be in English.