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Security in the Sahel: More soldiers or more development aid?

Photo: MINUSMA troops in 2018 (source: Flickr) In recent years, there have been coups in several countries in the Sahel. At the same time, a UN peacekeeping mission has failed and the security situation of the population is deteriorating. Less emphasis on military means and a renewed focus on development cooperation may offer a solution. In late July this year, a coup [...]

Uganda's extreme anti-lhbti law: Is the West part of the solution or the problem?

Photo: Yoweri Museveni, the President of Uganda. Via Wikimedia Commons In late May 2023, Uganda introduced one of the most extreme anti-LGBTi laws in the world. Now, more than four months later, the disastrous consequences of these measures are becoming increasingly clear. In response, several international sanctions have been imposed and the Constitutional Court of [...]

'Public speaking and negotiations' training in Armenia

A training for young people on 'public speaking' and 'negotiations' took place on Saturday 21 October in Yeghegnazdor, Armenia. This training is part of a series of five trainings in different Armenian provinces, organised by the SD Platform Armenia with the support of FMS. Engaging a new and [...]

African climate summit: much-discussed carbon credits are not a panacea

Photo: Attendees at the African Climate Summit in Nairobi - Flickr / Paul Kagame This month, African Union members met to form a common position on climate policy ahead of COP28. Carbon credits were a focus point. Governments see a lot of potential in this system, but there are many legitimate criticisms. [...]

The Netherlands and feminist foreign policy: opportunities for progress

Photo: Ministers Wopke Hoekstra and Liesje Schreinemacher, Wikimedia Commons In 2014, Sweden became the first country in the world to implement feminist foreign policy (FBB). Several countries followed, and on 13 May 2022, Minister Wopke Hoekstra (CDA) and Minister Liesje Schreinemacher (VVD), also announced that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was going to explicitly commit [...]

Niger coup shows: fairer policies to Africa are needed

Photo: Wikimedia Commons The Nigerian presidential guard detained democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum on 26 July, only to launch a military coup. In a television broadcast, senior officers from various branches of the defence and security forces announced that they had formed a junta. A Nigerian army spokesman shared, "The defence [...]

How do we do deal with migration?

The shipwreck off the Greek coast that killed hundreds of people last week is the deadliest accident in the Mediterranean in years. This is yet another maritime disaster as a result of European migration policies. For instance, many illegal pushbacks of migrants take place by the European border agency FRONTEX and by southern European countries themselves. [...]

Thaw the frozen search for Russian property

On 4 May, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky came to the Netherlands. Besides a nice symbolic moment, the visit actually served a purpose. First, Zelensky called for the formation of a tribunal against Russian war criminals. His second request: provide more military support. The Ukrainian president has been pleading for the latter for some time and to [...]

Undertake some responsibility

Ten years ago in Bangladesh, the Rana Plaza garment factory, where major brands like Mango and Primark had their clothes made, collapsed, killing more than a thousand people. A major global shock wave full of outrage followed and the question of corporate responsibility became the focus of discussion. Since then, steps have been taken [...]

Growing shouldn't bother you so much

Last Monday, the IPCC released its latest report on the current state of the climate. A brief summary: global warming of 1.5 degrees is almost inevitable, but if drastic action is taken now, it is not too late. One of the common causes of all climate problems is our constant drive [...]