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Western Sahara: British MPs embrace Moroccan plan, but at what price?

Photo: A Sahrawi with the flag of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - Wikimedia Commons On 25 May, 30 British MPs, mostly from the ruling Conservative Party, called on the British government to support Morocco's proposal for Western Sahara governance. This so-called Moroccan autonomy plan, proposed in 2006, offers Rabat control over [...]

Kuwait in political fray: emir dissolves parliament and grabs authority

Photo: First session of the Kuwaiti parliament after elections on 2 February, 2012 - Flickr In an unprecedented move, the emir of Kuwait, Mishal al-Ahmed Al Sabah, dissolved the country's parliament for a period of no less than four years. He also invalidated several articles of the Constitution. As a result, [...]

War in Gaza: how does the region now view the West?

Photo: People with Palestinian flags protest on the streets in Rabat, Morocco - Pexels As the war in Gaza unfolds and human suffering increases, there is still no unequivocal call from the international community for a ceasefire. The Middle East is observing this development with increasing amazement. It is easy to get lost in the [...]

Israel-Lebanon: a second front?

Photo: Meeting during Hezbollah leader Nasrallah's speech in November - Wikimedia Commons Hamas' attack on Israel, on 7 October, has caused increasing tensions and risk of escalation in the region, including in the Israel-Lebanon border region. (Air) attacks back and forth are claiming lives of soldiers and innocent civilians. Hezbollah [...]

Come too! Q&A with Eduard Cousin on the political situation and elections in Egypt

On Tuesday 5 December, at 14:00, writer and journalist Eduard Cousin will be our guest at the FMS to answer questions about the political situation in Egypt! Presidential elections are coming up in the country (10-12 December), in addition the country is also in the spotlight because of the war between Israel and Hamas. Eduard [...]

Concerns over violence Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank 

Photo: An Israeli settlement in the West Bank under construction in 2017 - Ronan Shenhav/Flickr The bloody war between Hamas and Israel has now been going on for more than 5 weeks and there is no end in sight. Reporting on the conflict currently focuses mainly on Gaza. Nevertheless, it is important [...]

Turkey's 'secular decline'

Photo: Statue of Atatürk looks down on a meeting of Erdogan - Wikimedia Commons Last week marked Turkey's 100th birthday. On 29 October 1923, national hero Mustafa Kemal Atatürk founded the Republic of Turkey, a secular state built on the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. However, the celebrations have been scaled down, leaving many [...]