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Migration: viewpoint FMS

Migration is of all times and cannot be stopped. At best, it can be managed. The EU sees unregulated migration flows as one of the biggest challenges in its existence. We have set out a number of principles that a fair migration policy must meet.

Ethiopia aims for peace with neighbour Eritrea

Does light seem to be shining at the end of the tunnel for neighbouring Ethiopia and Eritrea after all? According to Ethiopia's new prime minister, Abiy Ahmed, there is. At a press conference, he revealed that Ethiopia will recognise and implement the 2000 peace treaty between the two countries. This, according to the international community and Ahmed, should lead to reconciliation between the African neighbours, who have been fighting each other for years over control of the border town of Badme. This conflict has led to more than tens of thousands of people being killed and also triggered a large migration flow. By officially recognising the agreement, Ahmed hopes it will open the door to peace and prosperity in the Horn of Africa.

Zimbabwe chooses: fair elections, transformation or back to square one?

When Emmerson Mnangagwa took office as Zimbabwe's new president, on 24 November 2017, he promised to call new, fair and transparent elections. Mnangagwa appears to be fulfilling this promise, at least in part. Presidential and parliamentary elections will take place in the country on 30 July. For the first time in three decades, the political playing field during the elections will look different. Because Robert Mugabe, who was in power for 37 years, was sidelined by the army last November, the battle will be mainly between Mnangagwa and Nelson Chamisa (MDC-T). These elections are essential for Zimbabwe's democratic, economic, political and social transformation.

Migration in the Sahel: lunch lecture with Bram Vermeulen

Almost all NOS correspondents are back in the Netherlands for a while. So is Bram Vermeulen: NOS correspondent, NRC journalist and maker of, among others, the series De Trek for VPRO. An ideal opportunity to speak to him once, they thought at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. So last Tuesday (22 May), they organised a special lunch lecture with Bram Vermeulen and the ministry's Special Envoy for Migration, Marit Maij.

"Cooperation is key in new activism": Africa Day 2018

14 April started as a grey spring day, but in the afternoon the sun broke through for a while! At the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), it was immediately warm as ever! Africa Day 2018 was about to begin. The Marble Hall quickly filled up with visitors who did not want to miss anything from the programme.

Africa Day 2018 big success!

What a beautiful day it was again last Saturday, 14 April! With some 1,000 visitors, speakers and volunteers, KIT in Amsterdam was buzzing. Through this way, we would like to sincerely thank all speakers, volunteers and visitors for their participation and presence!

Eco-activists from WECF on Africa Day!

In many countries, people face climate change and pollution on a daily basis. Women Engage for a Common Future (WECF) supports the heroes standing up for this. The workshop 'Eco-activism: best practices from Nigeria' at Africa Day will discuss this in detail. In doing so, WECF perfectly matches the theme of Africa Day 2018: NEW ACTIVISM. A
valuable addition for Africa Day!

New activism on Africa Day

It is time to highlight a few themes of the upcoming Africa Day, because Africa Day 2018 will be a very active, interesting and inspiring edition. Activists like Moses Isooba and Tikhala Itaye, will show how they are working for sustainable development, against corruption and for women's rights in Africa. But there are of course more themes that will feature prominently on the day. For example, the sustainable development goals, migration, and much more. So will you also take action? Then come with your friends to Africa Day and talk and act!

From charity to good lobby

A special Africa Day workshop!

Everyone should be able to influence laws and policies. Not only big companies, but also ordinary citizens. Only when everyone can represent their interests can politicians and administrators make good decisions. Unfortunately, it is difficult for people without money, time and experience to find their way through the political maze. That is why civil rights organisation Kompass, in cooperation with the Lobby Local Foundation, helps you get closer to (local) politics. Are you a local initiative, civil society organisation or concerned citizen committed to human rights, vulnerable groups or social cohesion and struggling with a lobbying question? Come along to our lobbying hour and start as a citizen lobbyist!

Programme Africa Day 2018 announced. Order your tickets now!

Saturday 14 April marks Africa Day 2018: the event on Africa and international cooperation at KIT in Amsterdam, organised by FEPS and FMS. This year, the theme of the day is new activism. Because even though traditional power is still often closed, activists often know how to bring about change. Who speaks more from the heart about this than activists themselves? With Moses Isooba of the pan-African movement Africans Rising and only 27-year-old Tikhala Itaye from Malawi, the day immediately gets a great opening. Cherry-fresh editor-in-chief of OneWorld, Seada Nourhussen, will interview these two activists to hear all their experiences!