The bustling activities of the FMS

As the FMS we support people in their quest and journey towards and with social democracy. Throughout multiple events we have been able to connect with our partners and participants in a wonderfully wide range. This past weekend, the FMS organised five events focussed on supporting social democratic movements with our partner parties. One of [...]
Western Sahara: British MPs embrace Moroccan plan, but at what price?

Photo: A Sahrawi with the flag of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic - Wikimedia Commons On 25 May, 30 British MPs, mostly from the ruling Conservative Party, called on the British government to support Morocco's proposal for Western Sahara governance. This so-called Moroccan autonomy plan, proposed in 2006, offers Rabat control over [...]
Vacancy Junior project manager MENA region (28 hours)

Vacancy junior project manager MENA region (28 hours). Please respond by 2 January 2022 at the latest.
Get involved! Women empowerment in Morocco

Did you watch any of the election debates during the last Provincial Council elections? Then you must have noticed: lots of men in suits. We currently have only a few female party leaders in the Netherlands. Not only that: women occupy only 46 of the 150 Lower House members, are underrepresented in top positions and are still paid less in the same positions. Fortunately, many projects exist to change this. A well-known example is 'Vote for a Woman', an initiative to promote women's political emancipation and representation. As a result, last election, 42 women were elected with preferential votes. But there is still a world to be won, even though women have been allowed to stand for election for more than 100 years.
Migration: viewpoint FMS

Migration is of all times and cannot be stopped. At best, it can be managed. The EU sees unregulated migration flows as one of the biggest challenges in its existence. We have set out a number of principles that a fair migration policy must meet.
Moroccan Unified Socialist Party holds first party congress in seven years

Sunny Rabat and Bouznika were the setting for the fourth party congress of the Unified Socialist Party (Parti Socialiste Unifié, PSU) from 19 to 21 January. An important congress, as it voted on the party's direction and the leadership of Nabila Mounib, the only female party leader in the Arab world. The Max van der Stoel Foundation has been organising training courses for activists and politicians of this leftist and progressive Moroccan party for just under a decade.