LGBTI Inclusion in the Western Balkans

With the 'Promoting Inclusion and Combating Inequalities' project, we focus on LGBT+ movements in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Northern Macedonia. Our aim there is to increase knowledge within social democratic parties in the Western Balkans about problems faced by minorities in society. We want to build the capacity of these parties by promoting inclusion and countering inequalities.

The role of LGBT+ movements in the Western Balkans has increased. They play an active role in the public debate on equality and inclusion. However, LGBT+ movements are still targeted by homophobia and transphobia, which affects inclusion processes in the Western Balkans.

Moreover, Roma communities, although a sizeable group, are often not sufficiently involved in policy-making, which also affects integration processes in the Western Balkans.

With this project, we seek to raise knowledge and awareness through trainings in collaboration with partner organisations focused on the history of LGBT+ movements in the region, human and minority rights, and the importance of these rights in social democratic ideals. In doing so, we bring together policymakers, activists and changemakers to bring about change!

This is an excerpt from the fourth podcast in the 2023/24 series "LGBTI rights in the Balkans"! Our guest is Aleksandra Gavrilovic from Labris, a human rights organisation focused on LGBT rights in Belgrade, Serbia. 

This is an excerpt from the third podcast in the 2023/24 series "LGBTI rights in the Balkans"! Our guest Kocho Andonovski is programme director at the LGBTI Support Centre of the Macedonian Helsinki Committee. The LGBTI Support Centre's mission is to empower the LGBTI community, increase self-reliance and change the legal and social status of LGBTI persons in Macedonian society.

This is the first podcast in the 2023/24 series "LGBTI rights in the Balkans"! Our guest Dalibor Tanić has been a journalist and activist for over 17 years. He is the winner of the European Union Award for Investigative Journalism for Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2014. Dalibor tells us about the rights of LGBT and Roma in Bosnian society and what steps are needed to improve the situation for these groups.

Here is the fourth podcast in the 2022/23 series "LGBTI Rights in the Balkans"! Our fourth guest is Danijel Kalezić, president of the Board of Queer Montenegro and member of the LGBTI ERA Steering Board. ERA - LGBTI Equal Rights Association - is a regional association of LGBTIQ+ organisations from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. Queer Montenegro is an NGO working to improve LGBTIQ+ rights in Montenegro.

Here is the fifth and final podcast in the 2022/23 series "LGBTI Rights in the Balkans"! Our fifth guest is Dajana Bakić, member of the Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina and President of Rainbow Rose. She is one of the organisers of the first Pride in her country. Rainbow Rose is part of the Party of European Socialists . It is a network that brings together people from socialist, labour and social democratic parties in Europe to work to promote LGBTI rights and counter discrimination.

We are doing this project in collaboration with: