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Working at FMS

Will you join our team?

Twice a year, in spring and autumn, we offer internships. We are also frequently looking for volunteers, for example for our annual Africa Day.

Job offers:

We currently have no vacancies.

Do you want to do an internship at FMS? They preceded you:

Yasmin Bijvank

Did internship in 2023/2024

The FMS is a smooth and super motivating working environment, but also very sociable. This internship is a great opportunity to learn a lot in terms of content and practically about development cooperation and the development work of the FMS. I felt involved and taken seriously, which made me feel at ease and enabled me to learn a lot.

Ype Verhagen

Did internship in 2023/2024

I learnt an awful lot during my FMS internship. On the one hand, you gain an enormous amount of knowledge about the countries we work in. On the other hand, you also learn a lot on a practical level. You are given a lot of freedom to come up with your own ideas and develop in areas you consider important. You are fully part of the team because of the pleasant cooperation and good atmosphere.

Timon Driessen

Did internship in 2023/2024

My internship at FMS was a period full of new experiences and insights. You are close to politics and civil society. This made me think a lot about my own future. You engage with important issues and learn an awful lot about the countries where we operate. It is great to be part of this close-knit team brimming with knowledge and energy where you are given the freedom to delve into topics you find interesting.

Luna Sent
Did internship in 2023

Within a short period, I learnt a huge amount about important international developments, the work of a foreign foundation, and writing articles, among other things. I also experienced FMS as a very pleasant workplace with a team full of energy, knowledge and experience. The team therefore guided me very nicely, with helpful support on the one hand, but also a lot of free space on the other.

Mathieu Neelen
Did internship in 2022/2023

 My internship at the FMS was an educational and fascinating period. Because you are daily occupied with (geo)political developments and current affairs, you are constantly discussing important topics. There was a nice and close form of cooperation between colleagues. I learned a lot about the themes, the practical side of working for an international foundation, and had a great time.

Geerke Visser
Did internship in 2022/2023

 During my internship at the FMS, I learnt to write in-depth and opinionated articles on topics close to my heart. I was encouraged to follow my interests, but there was also good guidance when I needed it. As an intern at the FMS, you really are fully part of the team. Your contributions and ideas are taken seriously
 and there is plenty of room for own initiative.