How do we do deal with migration?

The shipwreck off the Greek coast that killed hundreds of people last week is the deadliest accident in the Mediterranean in years. This is yet another maritime disaster as a result of European migration policies. For instance, many illegal pushbacks of migrants take place by the European border agency FRONTEX and by southern European countries themselves. [...]

Thaw the frozen search for Russian property

On 4 May, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky came to the Netherlands. Besides a nice symbolic moment, the visit actually served a purpose. First, Zelensky called for the formation of a tribunal against Russian war criminals. His second request: provide more military support. The Ukrainian president has been pleading for the latter for some time and to [...]

Undertake some responsibility

Ten years ago in Bangladesh, the Rana Plaza garment factory, where major brands like Mango and Primark had their clothes made, collapsed, killing more than a thousand people. A major global shock wave full of outrage followed and the question of corporate responsibility became the focus of discussion. Since then, steps have been taken [...]

Growing shouldn't bother you so much

Last Monday, the IPCC released its latest report on the current state of the climate. A brief summary: global warming of 1.5 degrees is almost inevitable, but if drastic action is taken now, it is not too late. One of the common causes of all climate problems is our constant drive [...]

International Women's Day: International issues need female leadership

Belarusian activist Tasha Arlova gives a lecture in The Hague, 2022. Photo: FMS Today is International Women's Day. On this day, we reflect on the emancipation of women in our society, and stand in solidarity with women and other marginalised groups fighting for equal rights worldwide. International Women's Day is observed every year on 8 [...]

Resistance from the sinking island

Wherever you look, climate change is a topic that comes up everywhere. However, some countries are hit harder by its effects than others. One place where this is very evident is the small island state of Vanuatu. To hold Western countries accountable for this, a coalition of 18 countries led by [...]

Throw that development aid through the letterbox...

The Netherlands and tax haven, two words you increasingly hear in the same sentence. A total of 55 of the 100 largest companies are based in the Netherlands for tax reasons. The tax evaded by these companies through the Netherlands has many adverse effects on African countries, among others, to which the Netherlands gives development cooperation. To combat this tax evasion [...]

Building walls? Forging partnerships

It was unmissable last week: in Brussels, the heads of government of the 27 EU member states gathered for a special European Council summit. Partly at the request of the Netherlands, migration, especially asylum migration, was high on the agenda. And one of the main questions: should fences and walls along the external borders of the [...]

Call on cabinet: stop fossil industry undermining international climate summits

450 civil society organisations worldwide including 35 Dutch organisations, such as Milieudefensie, Greenpeace, Oxfam Novib, FNV, Both Ends, CARE Netherlands, Simavi and Natuur & Milieu, are sounding the alarm. We are deeply concerned about the fossil industry undermining the effectiveness and credibility of international climate negotiations. For instance, the upcoming climate summit in November will be led by [...]

More than just development cooperation: the Great Coherence Debate

On 18 January, at Nieuwspoort, the Great Coherence Debate took place. This debate was co-organised by Building Change - the partnership consisting of the FMS, Partos and Woord & Daad. It was a great success, with the hall literally bulging with interested parties. Led by our director Kido and table host Danielle Hirsch (Both Ends), [...]