Women from the MENA Region: How female leadership improves human rights

We can't be all that we can be, but we can become what we want to be." This was one of the striking statements during Hague Talks on women's leadership and human rights on Wednesday 18 September. Women are gaining attention and a more important role in improving human rights both in Europe and in the Middle East and North Africa, and this event is a result of that. On the Wednesday evening, led by moderator Sahar Shirzad, three women from the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region spoke consecutively with personal stories about their experiences in improving human rights. Concrete answers on how women's leadership contributes to human rights improvement were not given, instead the three women told their (life) stories.

The forgotten table: climate table international

The climate issue is a hot topic and one of the most important issues of our time. The effects of climate change are felt everywhere and have very real consequences for human life. For us, but especially also for people in developing countries. That is why the search for a solution should not only focus on measures in the Netherlands itself, but should also be linked to Dutch foreign policy. A first step in this direction was taken on Friday 20 September during the event 'Klimaattafel Internationaal', organised by Vice Versa in cooperation with FMO, Solidaridad and the FGG alliance.

How do we make the national budget SDG-proof?

Since 2014, the FMS has been working intensively with Partos and Woord & Daad (Building Change partnership) to put policy coherence for development firmly on the map in the Netherlands. In this way, we strive for an ambitious and coherent implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015. Following the successful campaign 'Adopt an SDG' and lobbying for an SDG test in the policy-making process, this autumn we are focusing on the UN theme 'Financing for Development'. With Prinsjesdag and the presentation of the national budget for 2020, September was also the perfect time to put policy coherence within the national budget based on the SDGs on the map. Building Change did this with the opinion article 'include the SDGs in the national budget'.

"The SDG Generation - Healing the future in a wicked present"

The SDGs concern everyone
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a hot topic, high on the political agenda and increasingly reflected in government decisions. Building Change is focused on political commitment, but as Hugo Von Meijnfeldt (Dutch SDG coordinator) said, "achieving the SDGs is not only a challenge of the government, but of everyone". Hence, we attended the event "Healing the future in a wicked present" on 13 June to look at commitment to the SDGs from a different perspective, at Windesheim in Zwolle.

Extensive African theatre programme at Holland Festival 2019

The Holland Festival is the largest international performing arts festival in the Netherlands, and its 72nd edition will take place in Amsterdam in June. The festival features opera, (music) theatre, dance and more from around the world. This year, for the first time, two associate artists are associated with the festival, William Kentridge from South Africa and Faustin Linyekula from Congo. There will be plenty of work from Africa by the two associate artists and artists who inspire them.

How sustainable is our prosperity?

Every year on the third Wednesday of May, ministries are held accountable to the House of Representatives: Accountability Day. Ministers present reports showing what the government has achieved in the past year and how plans have been implemented. On this day, two important documents around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also performed by default: the CBS Report 'Monitor Brede Welvaart & SDGs 2019' and the 'Third Dutch SDG Report - The Netherlands develops sustainably'. On 16 May, Building Change, the SDG Charter and a large group of visitors reflected on the published papers during "How sustainable is our prosperity?".

Lou looks on at the FMS

Hello all, my name is Lou Boshart and I am in my fifth year of VWO. For the past two weeks, I have been working at the Foundation Max van der Stoel (FMS) as a snuff intern. After my final exams, I plan to study History in Utrecht, with the plan in the distant future to also do a master's degree in International Relations. My uncle, who works at the UN, advised me to do an internship at an NGO given my interest in international politics. This is how I ended up at FMS.

Will you join the FMS team?

We are looking for interns again! Do you have an affinity with international politics and would you like to know what it is really like at a political organisation? Then apply now for one of the three internships we are offering.

A big step towards policy coherence thanks to the SDG test!

It worked! The SDG test is a reality. Building Change (partnership FMS, Partos and Woord & Daad) has been advocating the development of a tool to measure the impact of Dutch policies on sustainable development since 2016. Now it has arrived!

Migration: African Perspectives - main theme Africa Day 2019!

Since summer 2015, migration has been one of the most important issues in European politics. While migration to the EU is declining, the topic remains popular. The topic also plays a major role in European elections in 2019. The big question in these discussions is: how can irregular migration to the European Union be reduced?