Weekend of International Solidarity: on to edition 2!

The degradation of Dutch foreign policy is proceeding apace. Our country is anything but standing up for international law in the war in Gaza, cuts in development cooperation have major consequences for the world's poorest people and in Europe we are reducing our commitment to "opt-out notes".  

Can it be done differently? Sure. Last weekend, together with the International Secretariat of the Labour Party and International Foundation GroenLinks, we organised the Weekend of International Solidarity. Where government policy is all about "Netherlands first" policies, our movement opposes this with a positive and powerful worldview. 

No fewer than 18 (!) events took place across the country this weekend. In Groningen, candles were lit on the Vismarkt for victims of conflict and violence, in Amsterdam a street action took place on development cooperation, in The Hague a benefit concert for political prisoners in Belarus and in Almere a conversation with young people on the impact of Gaza. The efforts of local chapters were simply fantastic; many thanks!  

We ourselves organised the opening and closing events of the weekend, during which we strengthened ties with civil society. Representatives of Unicef, the Young Climate Movement, Both ENDS, and our politicians like Daniëlle Hirsch and Lara Wolters spoke in Utrecht on Friday about the value of development cooperation.  

During the closing event in Eindhoven, we discussed the elephant in the room with Frans Timmermans and the euro delegation: the election of Donald Trump and his expected impact on international solidarity and our European community. See this page French's message.

Many good ideas were discussed on how to improve Green Left Labour Party's foreign policy. Anything else you want to say? Then fill in this page the survey. Together, we will work on a story that offers answers to the great challenges of our time.  

After the success of the first edition of the Weekend of International Solidarity, we are proud to announce that a second edition will follow! This promises to be another cool weekend, full of new initiatives and opportunities to further strengthen our solidarity worldwide. So please keep following us to stay informed!