Elections in Jordan: new reforms, anger over Gaza and economic concerns

Photo: cityscape Jerash, city north of Amman - Flickr On 10 September, Jordan held its first parliamentary elections since major reforms in the electoral system and also since the start of the current Israel-Gaza conflict. As a neighbouring country, Jordan has been diplomatic towards both sides, but the situation in the region has both social [...]

Concerns over new Jordanian 'cybercrime' law

Photo: The King of Jordan, Wikimedia Commons On 12 August, Jordan's King Abdullah II approved legislation that puts strong controls on what Jordanians can say and do on the internet. This law, previously passed by the Jordanian parliament and senate, will be officially implemented in a few weeks. [...]

Growing drug problem in Jordan and Lebanon

The drug captagon is causing a major problem in the Middle East. The drug emerged in the early 2000s when IS distributed it to its warriors, but soon spread to the rest of the population. It has become the drug of choice for young people in the Middle East and North Africa. The growing demand has led to a booming [...]