The bustling activities of the FMS

As the FMS we support people in their quest and journey towards and with social democracy. Throughout multiple events we have been able to connect with our partners and participants in a wonderfully wide range. This past weekend, the FMS organised five events focussed on supporting social democratic movements with our partner parties. One of [...]

Watch it back: Upcoming Local Elections in Bosnia & Herzegovina: What to Expect?

On Thursday October 3, the FMS organised a webinar on the upcoming municipal elections in Bosnia & Herzegovina with Lana Prlić and Damir Mašić, both members of the federal parliament for the Social Democratic Party (SDP). The Forum of Left Initiative also had an important role in organising this webinar. During the session, Lana and [...]

EU mission to Bosnia needs not symbolic gestures, but structural change 

Photo: Main street in Sarajevo - Srebrenica is still a point of polarisation in the country (created by Renée Spees) In early October, the Bosnian Serb parliament voted in favour of a bill on compulsory registration of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) with foreign backers in a special register managed by the Ministry of Justice. The so-called 'foreign-agent law' provides the Republika Srpska [...]

EU milestones in Bosnia and Kosovo underline importance of European engagement

Photo: The European Parliament in Strasbourg, France (Flickr) After a long period of limbo, the war in Ukraine brought a turnaround in European efforts to integrate the Western Balkans into the EU. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the next country to take a step towards EU membership. At the same time, Kosovo is also trying to make a [...]

A concrete perspective is necessary for EU integration of the Western Balkans

It has been almost 20 years since the EU met in Thessaloniki, Greece, in June 2003 to discuss the integration of the Western Balkans. This included a promise that Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, northern Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia would have a clear perspective towards EU membership. After two decades, only Croatia joined in 2013 - the other countries are still in the waiting room, leading to great frustration.

Public meeting: 'Young Generations for the New Western Balkans: Beyond Emigration'

Recent research shows that between 25,000 - 40,000 people are annually leaving each of the Western Balkans countries. Not only young people, but increasingly the middle class as well. A group of young scientist from the region has engaged in a project 'New Horizons for the Young Generations in the Balkans' in order to discuss their visions how to overcome old- fashioned politics and nationalisms and the lack of perspective for younger generations. They will sketch alternative horizons and the look for alternatives for South-Eastern Europe's way beyond emigration. The Hague will be the first place in Europe after Vienna where the results of the mentioned initiative will be presented to the public.

Western Balkans expectations on eve of European summit

Will we ever be part of the European project? That is the question all Western Balkan leaders are asking as they prepare for the big summit. After French President Macron's statement, no enlargement until the EU itself puts its house in order, last month in Strasbourg, their dreams shattered.

EU's New Enlargement Strategy: Change of Tone

On the 6th of February the European Commission presented its long awaited enlargement strategy for the Western Balkans. Since the State of the Union of European Commission President J.C. Juncker last year, there was a growing momentum for a clearer prospect for accession of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania to the Union.