FMS Portrait Series: Diaspora in Focus with Milka Yemane

As FMS, we value our collaboration with people from the diaspora. It provides diverse perspectives and indispensable insights. Through the 'Diaspora in Focus' portrait series, we want to introduce you to some of the people we work with. And in case you've known them for a long time, maybe you'll find out something you didn't already know about them!

We kicked off the series with Kiza Magendane: writer, knowledge broker and also our partner of the annual Africa Day. Our second guest is Milka Yemane. Born in Eritrea. Grew up in Assen. Founder and director of the Lemat Foundation, which supports Eritrean newcomers with integration. And migration, diaspora and development consultant. She is also a board member of the FMS! Curious about her views on diaspora inclusivity or know where she gets her inspiration? Then watch the video below.